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sarva vidya welcomes you
sarva vidya welcomes you
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sarva vidya welcomes you
12 Aug 2009
The Executive MBA, Research team and Professors from St Mary’s College (School of Economics and Business Administration –, who run the Trans Global Executive MBA (T-GEMBA) program presented the final report for setting up of a Hospice Program by Brthya Network of Trusts. The presentation was held in the Royal Orchid hotel in Bangalore and was the culmination of a year-long research on the Operations of, Brthya and the associated trusts. The report contains recommendations on the scalability, financial and operational models for a networked and scalable growth nationally. Going forward, continued participation of this college with AddValuetoLife.Org/Brthya trusts, would be in providing assistance in implementing these recommendations. This will be done by providing further research assistance through the College academia and faculty, future Executive MBA participants and also from their nursing education school.
08 Aug 2009
Students from Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Girl’s Higher Secondary School, met the Scholarship committee of Brthya for selection for disbursement of scholarships for the school year 2009
04 Aug 2009
CS Raghunathan, Trustee Brthya who is also Member of the Governing Body of Avvai Home Schools, attended a function held by the School, to install the new President of Interact Club by the Rotary Club of Chennai Coromandel. He spoke of the formation of a Science club in the school with the help of the Rotary club in the year 2006 and informed the President of the Rotary, club of its successful operation and subsequent formation of similar science clubs in other schools. He also requested the Rotary club’s assistance in setting up a mobile science lab for taking science to villages in Tamilnadu
26 Jul 2009
A meeting was held with M/S Jayabharathmatha Women’s Federation, an NGO from Kaveripakkam, for commencing an association on ‘Village Development’ efforts in the villages around Kaveripakkam. This signifies the commencement of a coordinated approach from Brthya on Village Development efforts involving local NGOs.
18 Jul 2009
Students from Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Model Higher Secondary School, met the Scholarship committee of Brthya for selection for disbursement of scholarships for the school year 2009
27 Jun 2014
The Annual Day of Brthya was celebrated this day. In a well attended meeting of donors and well wishers, Brthya presented its ‘consolidating of concepts’ and the performance over the seven years as well as the charter for the next seven years. The highlights of the day included a special meeting with NGOs from villages where Brthya’s education arm M/S Sarva Vidya has been inducting students for the nursing education. This is expected to become a platform for the Village Development efforts of Brthya.
24 May 2009
The TGEMBA team visited Jeevodhaya, an in-patient Hospice Centre, and the Village Banavaram for getting a feel of the efforts required at villages to establish development activities
23 May 2009
A key member of the Executive MBA - T-GEMBA Program’s Research team, from St Mary’s College, School of Economics and Business Administration ( , Ms. Patricia Eaton, arrived in Chennai to work with Brthya on the project of establishing a Hospice network/Village Development activities in health care and home nursing, in India. A Terms of Reference (TOR) for this research had been submitted to the St Mary’s University and based on this the team member arrived India to study various hospice situations in India and also the efforts of Brthya in integrating and linking education with the hospice efforts.
26 May 2009
The TGEMBA team visited Pratham Hospice care, Dean Foundation,a home care Hospice Centre, and the nursing students in the KR Radha Learning Centre, before departing to Bangalore.
07 Feb 2009
The annual day of the KR Radha Learning centre was celebrated today. A science club for experimental science was inaugurated in the SRKM Sarada Vidyalaya in the same model of Avvai Home for the Students of Sarada Vidyalaya.
08 Oct 2008
The 'Teach India' volunteers assigned to Brthya were addressed today by the Trustee of Brthya to ascertain their interest in continuing with Brthya' competence enhancement programs. The Teach India program was promoted by Times of India for three months ending 10th October 2008. The Volunteers were also addressed to know whether thay would be interested in working with Brthya in other service projects of Brthya. It was very encouraging to find that they have enjoyed working with Brthya and remain quite motivated continue to work with Brthya
01 Oct 2008
As on date a total of 66 girl students have been assisted in studying for Nursing. Seven have been admitted to BSc degree in Nursing Colleges and one in BSc Physiotherapy, seven in three year diploma course in Nursing Schools, twenty nine in two year diploma course in Nursing, and the balance twenty two in one in two year certificate course.One boy as the 67th student has been educated in the two year diploma Lab Technician course. Brthya has already been able to place this boy in a lab with a reputed ENT clinic in Chennai
28 Sep 2008
An orientation programme for the third batch of Teach India Volunteers were held. Totally TOI allotted 42 volunteers to Brthya for its competence Enhancement Programme.
30 Aug 2008
In a simple function organized in The RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Model Higher Secondary School, scholarships for 75 students were handed over to the Secretary of the Schools. This covered students from all the three schools of The RKM Sarada Vidyalaya. .Earlier Five students from Avvai Home were given Scholarships.
09 Aug 2008
An orientation programme for the second batch of the Times of India 'Teach India' volunteers was held in KRR Learning centre
02 Aug 2008
As part of the Teach India program, the Times of India Volunteers, commenced the ‘Competence Enhancement programme’ of Brthya in two schools of Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya. These volunteers were given the orientation programme on the 19th July by Brthya. The subjects covered included commerce, accountancy, economics, mathematics, chemistry, and English.
20 Jul 2008
Value based education program was commenced for the Nursing Students of Sarva Vidya, Brthya’s education Trust. This was held in KRR Learning Centre. This has been one of the unique inclusions to the nursing curriculum.
19 Jul 2008
An orientation program was organized for the Volunteers allotted by Times of India, through their “Teach India” education project. About 22 volunteers have shown interest in working with Brthya in the ‘Competence Enhancement Program’ In this program which Brthya organizes through the KR Radha Learning Centre, there has been an attempt to provide additional coaching in various subjects for the week students to improve their comprehension of subjects enabling them to face their exams with confidence. And this includes soft skills also such as Spoken English.
12 Jul 2008
As of 12th July about 75 girl students studying in 6th to 12th grades, were interviewed for providing scholarship. These students were from Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Model Higher Secondary School for girls, Sri RKM Sarada Vidyalaya Girl’s Higher Secondary School, and Avvai Home Schools, all from Chennai. Of these, 30 Students had received scholarships the previous year.
05 Jul 2008
The annual function of Keerthana Institute of Paramedical Sciences was held at the institute’s premises in Vellore. The Trustees of Brthya co-chaired the function and addressed the students on the opportunities in the Nursing line.
03 Jul 2008
Brthya has agreed to financially assist ‘Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy Women’s Association’ to train one batch of twenty five students as Nurse-aides in the area of Home Nursing. The one year course, similar to the one conducted in the previous year, by the Indian Red Cross Society, Tamil Nadu branch, is expected to commence in August. These students will be absorbed in the home nursing careers offered by Shraddha.Dr. Muthulakshmi Reddy (1886-1968) was an eminent medical practitioner and social reformer in India. In spite of various constraints faced by girls in India of her time, she could complete her higher education, and was admitted into medical profession. She became one of the first woman doctors in India. Soon thereafter, she came under the influence of Annie Besant, and then of Mahatma Gandhi.She was nominated to the Madras Legislature as a member of legislative council in 1926, and became the first woman to be a member of any legislature in India. She was the founder-president of the Women’s Indian Association (WIA) and became the first alderwoman of the Madras Corporation. Dr Reddy was actively involved with several orphanage homes and women’s welfare organizations, and initiated measures to improve the medical facilities given to slum dwellers. In 1930, she founded Avvai Home, a home for destitute women and orphans at Chennai. She founded the Adyar Cancer Institute for which the foundation stone was laid by Jawaharlal Nehru in 1952. It is today a world-renowned institution offering treatment to nearly 80,000 cancer patients every year
30 Jun 2008
More than Twenty five students have enrolled for the second batch of the two year diploma course on Nursing organized by Brthya at Chennai. The first batch of six students was taken-in, in August 2007. The course is conducted by Keerthana Institute of Paramedical sciences. As a result of intense village development activities and awareness programs taken up in the months of April, May and June 2008, students from several villages are now aware of the opportunities in the paramedical line and home nursing areas. Of the twenty five students 90% are the children of farmers. 75% are from Science Groups in the twelfth grade. 65% of the students are financially assisted by Brthya and will be absorbed in the Home Nursing jobs of Shraddha.Geographically 55% of the students come from villages to the west and 30% from villages to the south of Chennai situated in a radius of about 100 KM. As was anticipated, 72% of the students have secured 50 to 70% marks in the twelfth grade which is the targeted strata. It is the students in this performance level that would find very meaningful jobs through this scheme and add value to the family, instead of getting left out by the main stream.Noteworthy is the fact that two students at 80-90% performance level in the twelfth grade have also joined this scheme, since they are otherwise unable to go to colleges by themselves.
02 Jun 2008
The KR Radha Learning Centre commenced its activities today for the scholastic year, even as the School reopened.
03 Jun 2008
The State Bank of India at Village Milaganur provides education loan to the three girl students from the village admitted last year, in the Chettinad College of Nursing. These three students were sponsored by Brthya